God orchestrates two supernatural events in to blow the doors off the great commission and make it clear that now is the time for the good news of the gospel…
A complaint is brought before the leaders of the 1st century church. They  deal with it it a way that honors God and is relevant for us today .
Far from stopping them in their tracks, the threats and intimidation have only served to strengthen the faith and accelerate the growth of the early church who were enjoying a…
The vision of the Hill City Church is loving God and loving people in the light of the love of Christ. This sermon focuses on part 2: Loving People.
As Hill City moves forward and grows is crucial to remember where we started. the Bible calls us to be the Light of the world, a reflection of Jesus where…
Pastor Dai Hankey takes a look at Psalm 62, in which King David looks his enemies in the eye and, with raw vulnerability and unflinching faith, demonstrates the security that…
Pastor Dai Hankey shares the story of the resurrection of Jesus this Easter Sunday during our first service in the new Hill City Venue.